
About Us

About Us

Being a subcontinent in its own rights, India has been a majestic name all through. We at Sona Sobharan aim to contribute in our own little way towards making our motherland an amazing place to live in. Children are the hope of the future. They are a reflection of what we wish to see our country to be tomorrow.

Our aim and ideology

Sona Sobharan as an organisation has a dedicated group of people working with it, who take every care to reach out to various strata of the society and extend their arms for help to underprivileged and disabled children of the society. Be it through blood donation and health check-up camps or through contribution collected from the generous masses around. Another thing that we aim at is to prevent children to go stray and get misguided by things at a very tender age. Addiction has been an enemy of the youth for years now. A safe and productive environment will ensure the fact that children manage to stay away from such addictions .

We undertake various developmental initiatives for the underprivileged and children suffering from malnutrition. We aim to provide all types of growth support for them so that can establish themselves into employable future citizens of India.

The dream of a paradise in India

India has the potential to become the strongest and the richest nation in the whole world if the weaker rural population can be effectively strengthened to match the efficiency of the knowledgeable and stronger city population. Children have the capacity to contribute equally contribute to the development of India in each and every aspect. For achieving this target, literacy or education is the most important necessity which we whole-heartedly try to impart. At the same time, we feel that misdirected, misguided youth must be brought back in the right track of their life with proper understanding of disastrous effects of ill-addictions like smoking and drinking.

To accomplish this mission, we conduct health improvement programs for the youth which has proved to be effective in developing health sense in them and have motivated them to discard several bad habits and health-ruining addictions and develop themselves in the positive direction and architect a better future.