


To begin with, it is essential to know that ignorance is not always a matter of bliss. Not when this ignorance deprives of a dignified way of living. The best way to overcome and bid adieu to this ignorance is through education. Education is the beacon that lights up every soul I its path. Though India is on the path of development and of a better future, there is a large section of the continent that still resides in the darkness of illiteracy. At Sona Sobharan we make the best possible attempt to light up these little ignorant minds that may in the near future help India stand out in the now prevailing global competition.

Our steps towards a literate India

Rural India has greater population as compared to that in metropolitan cities. More than half of India’s rural population is illiterate and unemployed. Ignorance and misdirection has darkened their future. In order to bring them under the light of modern education, we arrange all types of developmental programs which aim to bring a ray of hope for their intellectual improvement and which can motivate them to construct bright academic careers.

Our endeavours for the same

We have been trying to put in the basic bit of effort that we can to educate these little minds we come across. Among the steps that we have been adopting to go about the same, we have:

  • Brought about new techniques of studying and educating these children with ease.
  • Improvement sessions are carried out as aids to children who have poor hearing and reading capabilities.
  • Awareness programs are conducted to spread the importance of education and of getting employed.
  • Thought over bringing about a change in the system of assessments carried out.
  • An improved school infrastructure.
  • Advanced teaching methods.

We firmly believe in the concept that schooling prepares an organized and knowledgeable future citizen. Accordingly, we put great emphasis on the improvement of rural schools in India. We offer dedicated assistance for development of every rural school in infrastructure, methods of teaching and systems of assessments or examinations.

We believe that ignorance is one of the most important reasons of the backwardness of rural India. It is one of the social evils and one of the chief barriers of India’s advancement in global competition. We make several initiatives to minimize ignorance from weaker India.