

Society Upliftment

‘Man is a social animal’. Just as the proverbial saying goes, man is a social being and is bound to the attributes that surround him. Having said this, it does become important for the society that we live in to be worth it. A safe, developed and giving society is what we all yearn for. We, at Sona Sobharan try to contribute to the social cause. Rural India has been lacking the basic of all amenities like electricity, water etc.

Lighting up the lives of thousands

We do realise the ease that availability of electricity might help bring about in the lives of the commoners. While children will get enough of resources to get along with their school and studies, women will be bestowed with the opportunity to become self-sufficient and engage in productive jobs. On the other hand, men are highly benefitted by it since it provides them with a smooth course of working. It is taking these into consideration, that our team of dedicated employees take the initiative to bring about an upliftment in the society around us. We feel that improvement of rural society in India will ensure a richer and advanced India. We make every effort to empower society in rural regions. Our greatest emphasis in social advancement is on making electricity available to every area of rural society.Solar energy can be used to effectively accomplish various types of essential work and can create a beneficial impact for development of rural India.

The arena of our services

Our basic services include:

  • The up gradation of the sanitation facilities in the areas that do not have them.
  • We try and extend our help in terms of providing environment friendly energy sources.
  • Helping villages and underprivileged areas have an access to continuous electricity.
  • Spreading a word on personal hygiene.
  • Educating uneducated minds.
  • Ensuring the supply of free drinking water at all times.
  • Organising social health programmes to spread awareness among the masses.

Apart from this, at present, we are focussing on the supply of solar power in various rural areas. Solar energy is a natural source of energy and is completely free of cost. It causes no environmental pollution and thus is highly convenient for use in comparison to other forms of energy. Solar energy can be used to effectively accomplish various types of essential work and can create a beneficial impact for development of rural India.